Club aircraft on display 28th September at SABC Fly-in Serpentine

The Club Aircraft VH-EZT will be on display next Sunday 28th September at the yearly SABC (Serpentine Airfield) Fly-In. Its one of WA’s best yearly aviation events. Serpentine Airfield is located at 286 Yangedi Road, Hopeland 6125.

They have a number of one-of-a-kind aircraft you won’t normally get a chance to see on display (Sopwith Pup original, T-28 Trojan, FoxMoth, Cri Cri the worlds smallest twin engine aircraft, etc.) and this year they should have a number of interstate guests and Radial engined aircraft are the focus.

There will be food, drinks, BBQ, flying displays, competitions, model jet aircraft and helicopters, stuff for the kids, arts, crafts, etc. one of the red bull type aircraft (Extra 300S) will be doing aerobatics displays and long with a number of other Aerobatic displays throughout the day.

Flying normally kicks off after 9am. With aircraft coming and going all day. It’s a great even and thoroughly recommended for anyone who loves aircraft.

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