VH-MVC Victa Airtourer 100

“VH-MVC was the second production Airtourer and was widely used as a demo aircraft. Note that the rego is displayed across the fin and rudder. Later production craft had it smaller, on the fin only. Noted Airtourer historian/authority Doug Stott points out that early models had exhaust augmenters fitted as seen in the shot above (rearwards from the firewall), but were gone by the time the second image was taken. Similarly, the under-fuselage venturi tube had been repositioned. The photos
above and immediately below are by Geoff Goodall. The top one at Parafield in September of 1962, presumably when the aircraft was on a demo tour, and the lower at Jandakot, WA, six years later, in what would be regarded as a more “standard” Victa livery (below).

MVC was a participant in the 1964 R.M. Ansett Air race and Greg Banfield’s shot at the foot of the page shows it at the Bankstown overnight stop on 29 March 1964 Pilot was S.P. Kisler, from Swan Hill, Victoria.” (Source: http://www.edcoatescollection.com/ac1/austmz/VH-MVC.html)