Social Membership Form

Please complete the following Application form to apply for UFC Social Membership.

Membership Agreement:

I hereby apply for social membership of the University Flying Club Incorporated (“UFC”). I agree to abide by the UFC’s rules and regulations as passed from time to time.


$20 per year


Please complete your membership payment prior to submitting this form and record your receipt number as part of your submission. Please user your full name as the bank transfer reference.

Bank Details

  • Name: University Flying Club
  • BSB: 036-054
  • Account Number: 921256
  • Swift code (for international members): WPACAU2S
  • Use your full name as the reference
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We are a small flying club, not an aircraft hire organisation, so all members are expected to contribute in whatever way they can. Some members help by joining the committee, while others assist with keeping the aircraft and hangar clean and tidy. Please share why you want to join and how you’d be willing to contribute to the club’s success.
Internet banking payment receipt number. Ensure payments are made with your name in the reference / description so we can identify your payment.
I agree to the Membership Agreement and agree to abide by UFC’s rules and regulations at all times.
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