2013 UFC AGM

2013 Annual General Meeting of the University Flying Club

Notice is herby given that the above AGM will be held at Permeance Technologies – Suite 10 (2nd Floor), 5 Tully Road, EAST PERTH at 7.00pm on Monday 13 May 2013.

Call 0410 556 387 on Arrival or wait downstairs at 7PM to be collected. The building front doors lock at around 6PM.


  1. Apologies for non-attendance
  2. Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
  3. President’s report
  4. Secretary’s report
  5.  Treasurer’s Report
  6.  Maintenance Officers Report
  7. Election of Office bearers
  8. Election of Committee Members
  9. Correspondence and business arising from it
  10. General Business
    1. Life Membership Nomination
  11. Closure

Financial members wishing to nominate for a Committee position should do so by the nomination form enclosed.  The form should be completed and seconded by a financial member and returned to the Secretary (secretary@uniflying.org.au).

Members who cannot attend please nominate a Proxy using the proxy form attached.

Kind regards,
Scott Palmer
President – University Flying Club

AGM Documents:

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