- The event is now on 23rd April 2016
- New parking maps have been added
- Weather is looking good for the event
Pilots, aviation enthusiasts, and friends are invited to take part in the Wyalkatchem Fly-In 2016 on Saturday, April 23rd.
Wyalkatchem previously hosted a fly-in and sausage sizzle in 2013 to celebrate the new runway openings, it was a great day out and gave the local community the opportunity to find out about aviation from local and visiting pilots.
There is no formal flying program on the day; However, there will be a number of free activities on offer once you arrive:
- Free Breakfast for early arrivals (before 10am)
- Free Sausage Sizzle for Lunch (11:30am to 1pm)
- Free Entry to Wylies Swimming Pool
- Free Bus Transfers into Wyalkatchem town
- Free guided tour of the Wylie CBH Museum
- No landing fees
The sealed, lighted, cross strips are the result of the commitment and a massive input of voluntary work from the local community, the airport plays a crucial role in the Region with Royal Flying Doctor Service aircraft using the airfield and transfer station for day & night mercy flights, (often, several times in a week) and several flying schools also use the field for Nav exercises.
RSVP: If you plan to be attending please register your interest to assist with catering and preparation to president@uniflying.org.au and provide the following information:
- Pilots Name:
- Aircraft Rego:
- Persons on board (number):
- Breakfast: (yes/no)
- Lunch: (yes/no)
- Bus Transfer: (yes/no)
- Museum Tour: (yes/no)
- Overnighting: (yes/no)
Note: Pilots who had already registered for the previous date only need to advise if they will be attending and any changes to their previous POB or other items.
Closest Avgas is Northam or Cunderdin
Information Flyer and Invite:
- Fly-In-2016-Wyalkatchem (More information about the event, runway and aerodrome information, etc.)
- Parking Maps
- Note: Country Airstrip Guide also contains runway information.
Contacts for further information:
- Trevor Webb
- Manager of Works
- Wyalkatchem Shire Council
- Ph: 08.96811166
- Mobile: 0427 431 075
- Email: works@wyalkatchem.wa.gov.au
- Scott Palmer
- Club President
- University Flying Club
- M: 0410556387
- E: president@uniflying.org.au
VH-EZT and VH-UXL parked on one of the taxiways at the 2013 Fly-in.