2013 Membership Renewals

It’s that time of the year again and Memberships are due for renewal. The easiest way to renew is to fill out the Online Membership form. Please make sure your memberships are current before hiring EZT.

Note: So we know it’s a renewal please type “Membership Renewal” in the “Tell us a bit about yourself” box. And Select “Past Member” from the “Membership Qualification” drop-down  Don’t forget to add your payment receipt number at the end of the form.

You can transfer your membership fee to the club account using Internet Banking and remember to include the receipt number at the bottom of the membership form.

Bank Details:
Name: University Flying Club
BSB: 036-054
Account Number: 921256

What if you want to renew in-person or via Cash / Cheque / Money Order?

You can still do that. You can pay in person at one of the club meetings. You can also pay at Jandakot using the Club’s EFTPOS Machine. Make sure you fill out a form and invoice and leave it in the filing cabinet for the committee to collect. It’s also worth flicking us an email so we are aware you have paid (committee@uniflying.org.au).

You can also print and fill out the paper membership form and send it to us along with your payment via Cheque / Money Order.

Postal Address: University Flying Club (Inc.) PO Box 7178, CLOISTERS SQUARE PO, WA, 6850

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